Michelle Onion, PT, Dry Needling Certified
Physical Therapist of East Windsor, NJ
Michelle graduated from Simmons College with her Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy in 1994. Since that time Michelle has practiced in a variety of settings but found her true calling in orthopedics. She has a special interest in the subtle nuances of the human body and believes it is most important to have a wide variety of treatment techniques to choose from. This has led her to an extensive study of various manual therapy techniques. Through a mixture of continuing education courses, Michelle continues to increase her knowledge base in manual therapy. She has special skills with muscle energy techniques to correct joint, spinal, and pelvic alignment and received training in SFMA, a technique which emphasizes the identification and treatment of maladaptive movement patterns. Michelle has a love of all things natural and holistic. She joined Zaffarese Physical Therapy (now Atlantic Physical Therapy Center) in 2008 and lives locally with her husband and son.