Amy Jo Taranto, PT
Shrewsbury Physical Therapist
Amy thought of being a teacher in high school but also wanted to have a physically active job. When visiting a friend at Kessler Institute in West Orange, NJ in the Physical Therapy Dept., she realized she could teach and be active as a Physical Therapist. She graduated from the Physical Therapy program at Quinnipiac University. She has had exposure to various settings the profession has to offer including acute care, home health, SNF, and finally settled into out-patient which she has found most enjoyment in the ever-changing patient population and treatment approaches. She has studied the Paris, McKenzie, and Mulligan techniques and she has been trained in and performed FCEs which she found to be a nice diversion to traditional patient care. Amy has a passion for proper posturing/body mechanics and designed a neck and back school which patients had to attend prior to discharge. She recently included vestibular therapy in her areas of interest as well. She relocated from Union County and has spent the better part of her career in Monmouth County. She currently resides in Oceanport with her husband and son, the other son recently married and resides in California. The beach is her happy place. Amy appreciates the warm welcome she has received since starting at Atlantic Physical Therapy Center’s Shrewsbury location in early 2022.